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Reading Comprehension


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tính từ và phó từ

17. Tính từ và phó từ

17.1 Tính từ

Tính từ là từ chỉ tính chất, mức độ, phạm vi, ... của một người hoặc vật. Nó bổ nghĩa cho danh từ, đại từ hoặc liên từ (linking verb). Nó trả lời cho câu hỏi What kind? Tính từ luôn đứng trước danh từ được bổ nghĩa:
That is my new red car.
Trừ trường hợp galore (nhiều, phong phú, dồi dào) và general trong tên các cơ quan, các chức vụ lớn là hai tính từ đứng sau danh từ được bổ nghĩa:
There were errors galore in your final test;
UN Secretary General (Tổng thư ký Liên hợp quốc).
Tính từ đứng sau các đại từ phiếm chỉ (something, anything, anybody...)
It’s something strange.
He is somebody quite unknown.

Tính từ được chia làm 2 loại là tính từ mô tả (descriptive adjective) và tính từ giới hạn (limiting adjective). Tính từ mô tả là các tính từ chỉ màu sắc, kích cỡ, chất lượng của một vật hay người. Tính từ giới hạn là tính từ chỉ số lượng, khoảng cách, tính chất sở hữu, ... Tính từ không thay đổi theo ngôi và số của danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa, trừ trường hợp của thesethose.



one, two
first, second
my, your, his
this, that, these, those
few, many, much
số đếm
số thứ tự
tính chất sử hữu
đại từ chỉ định
số lượng

Khi tính từ mô tả bổ nghĩa cho một danh từ đếm được số ít, nó thường có mạo từ a, an hoặc the đứng trước.
a pretty girl, an interesting book, the red dress.

Tính từ đi trước danh từ nhưng đi sau liên từ (linking verb – xem phần sau). Tính từ chỉ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ, đại từ và liên từ.
Nếu trong một cụm từ có nhiều tính từ cùng bổ nghĩa cho một danh từ thì thứ tự các tính từ sẽ như sau: tính từ sở hữu hoặc mạo từ, opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose. Chú ý rằng tính từ sở hữu (my, your, our...) hoặc mạo từ (a, an, the) nếu có thì luôn đi trước các tính từ khác. Nếu đã dùng mạo từ thì không dùng tính từ sở hữu và ngược lại. Ví dụ về thứ tự sắp xếp các tính từ:
a silly young English man
the huge round metal bowl
my small red sleeping bag

art/poss opinion size age shape color origin material purpose noun
a silly





sleeping bag

17.2 Phó từ

Phó từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ, cho một tính từ hoặc cho một phó từ khác. Nó trả lời cho câu hỏi How?

Rita drank too much. (How much did Rita drink?)
I don't play tenis very well. (How well do I play?)
He was driving carelessly. (How was he driving?)
John is reading carefully. (How is John reading?)
She speaks Spanish fluently. (How does she speak Spanish?)

Thông thường, các tính từ mô tả có thể biến đổi thành phó từ bằng cách thêm đuôi -ly vào tính từ.
He is a careful driver. He always drives carefully.


Tuy nhiên, có một số tính từ không theo quy tắc trên:

1) Một số tính từ đặc biệt: good => well; hard => hard; fast => fast; ...
She is a good singer. She sings very well.

2) Một số tính từ cũng có tận cùng là đuôi ly (lovely, friendly) nên để thay thế cho phó từ của các tính từ này, người ta dùng: in a + Adj + way/ manner
He is a friendly man. He behaved me in a friendly way.

Các từ sau cũng là phó từ: so, very, almost, soon, often, fast, rather, well, there, too. Các phó từ được chia làm 6 loại sau:

manner happily, bitterly how something happens
degree totally, completely how much ST happens, often go with an adjective
frequency never, often how often ST happens
time recently, just when things happen
place here, there where things happen
disjunctive hopefully, frankly opinion about things happen

Các phó từ thường đóng vai trò trạng ngữ (modifier – xem phần 1) trong câu. Ngoài ra các ngữ giới từ cũng đóng vai trò trạng ngữ như phó từ, chúng bao gồm một giới từ mở đầu và danh từ đi sau để chỉ: địa điểm (at home), thời gian (at 5 pm), phương tiện (by train), tình huống, hành động (in a very difficult situation). Các cụm từ này đều có chức năng và cách sử dụng như phó từ, cũng có thể coi là phó từ.

Về thứ tự, các phó từ cùng bổ nghĩa cho một động từ thường xuất hiện theo thứ tự: manner, palce, time. Nói chung, phó từ chỉ cách thức của hành động (manner - cho biết hành động diễn ra như thế nào) thường liên hệ chặt chẽ hơn với động từ so với phó từ chỉ địa điểm (place) và phó từ chỉ địa điểm lại liên kết với động từ chặt chẽ hơn phó từ chỉ thời gian (time).

The old woman sits quietly by the fire for hours.

Về vị trí, các phó từ hầu như có thể xuất hiện bất cứ chỗ nào trong câu, nhưng cũng vì thế, nó là vấn đề khá phức tạp. Vị trí của phó từ có thể làm thay đổi phần nào ý nghĩa của câu. Chúng ta sẽ xem xét từng loại phó từ:

17.2.1 Adverb of manner:

Các phó từ và cụm phó từ chỉ phương thức của hành động có thể đứng đầu câu, cuối câu hoặc giữa câu (thông dụng hơn). Ví dụ:

He angrily slammed the door.
He slammed the door angrily.
Angrily he slammed the door.

Khi đứng giữa câu, phó từ đứng giữa chủ ngữ và động từ chính, nhưng đứng sau trợ động từ hoặc động từ be nếu có.

Ina had carefully placed the vase on the table.
Ina had been carefully arranging the flowers.

Vị trí của phó từ có thể làm thay đổi ý nghĩa của câu. Xét các câu sau:

She answered the question immediately.
She immediately answered the question.
She answered the question foolishly.
She foolishly answered the question.

Trong hai câu đầu, ý nghĩa của câu không bị ảnh hưởng bởi vị trí của phó từ, nhưng ở hai câu sau thì có sự khác nhau. Câu 3 cho biết câu trả lời của cô ta là ngốc ngếch, còn câu 4 có nghĩa “Cô ấy thật ngốc ngếch khi trả lời câu hỏi”. Phó từ foolishly khi đứng ở cuối câu thì chỉ bổ nghĩa cho động từ answered the question, nhưng khi được đặt giữa câu lại có liên hệ với chủ ngữ nhiều hơn là với động từ. Hiện tượng này cũng xảy ra với các loại phó từ khác. Nghiên cứu thêm các ví dụ sau:

John was able to solve this problem without any help.
(John có thể giải được bài toán này mà không cần sự trợ giúp nào)
Even John was able to solve this problem without any help.
(Ngay cả John cũng có thể giải được bài toán này mà ...)
John was even able to solve this problem without any help.
(John có thể thậm chí giải được bài toán này mà ...)
John was able to solve even this problem without any help.
(John có thể giải được ngay cả bài toán này mà không cần ...)
John was able to solve this problem even without any help.
(John có thể giải được bài toán này mà thậm chí không cần tới sự trợ giúp nào)
He completely failed to agree with me.
(Anh ta hoàn toàn không đồng ý với tôi)
He failed to agree completely with me.
(Anh ta không đồng ý hoàn toàn với tôi)

Phó từ chỉ cách thức của hành động thường chỉ đứng giữa câu khi nó là từ đơn (với đuôi –ly). Phần lớn các phó từ thuộc dạng này. Nhưng cũng có một số phó từ là một cụm từ, thường bắt đầu bằng with. Khi đó phải đặt nó ở cuối câu:
She was looking through the notes with great interest.
Tương tự như vậy, khi hai phó từ ghép song song với nhau, chúng cũng phải ở cuối câu.
She angrily called him an idiot.
She called him an idiot angrily and loudly.

17.2.2 Adverb of place:

Phó từ chỉ nơi chốn là loại dễ nhớ nhất. Nó luôn xuất hiện cuối câu.
I had lunch in the canteen.
Trong một số mẫu câu đảo vị trí của chủ ngữ và động từ, nó có thể đứng đầu câu:
Here is your homework.

17.2.3 Adverb of time:

Phó từ chỉ thời gian lại được phân làm 2 loại. Loại chỉ thời gian tuyệt đối (yesterday, tonight, on Sunday, in December...) và loại chỉ thời gian tương đối (recently, already,...). Đối với loại chỉ thời gian tương đối, vị trí của chúng giống như đối với phó từ chỉ cách thức của hành động. Ta chỉ nói đến ở đây loại chỉ thời gian tuyệt đối. Nó có liên kết yếu nhất với động từ trong câu nên có thể xuất hiện bất cứ vị trí nào trong câu, miễn sao không đứng giữa động từ và các trợ động từ. Tuy nhiên, nó thường đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu.
I didn't go cycling yesterday.
In 1987 she was working for a bank in Manchester.

17.2.4 Adverb of frequency:

Phó từ chỉ tần xuất cũng phân làm 2 loại: tần suất tuyệt đối (once a week, twice a month, ...) và tần xuất tương đối (always, nearly always, usually, often, quite often, sometimes, occasionally, hardly ever, never). Tần xuất tuyệt đối được dùng giống như phó từ chỉ thời gian, thường đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu. Tần xuất tương đối lại thường đứng giữa câu, sau chủ ngữ và trước động từ chính (nhưng sau động từ be)
Sally always gets here on time.
Fred is sometimes late for class.
Các phó từ chỉ tần xuất như: occasionally, sometimes, often... có thể đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu:
Things get complicated sometimes.
Often I forget where I put things.

17.2.5 Disjunctive adverb:

Phó từ chỉ quan điểm, tình cảm của người nói thường xuất hiện ở đầu câu hoặc cuối câu sau dấu phảy.

Thankfully we still had some time to spare.
Clearly we will have to think about this again.
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
We still had some time to spare, thankfully.

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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Level B - Lesson 23

Trình độ B - Bài 23

1. Can you see the woman ________ the right?

2. I still have ________ time to spare.

3. The country has a system of ________, most of which date from the nineteenth century.

4. I had quite ________ on my way to work this morning.

5. I think he should ________ a room in one of the hotels.

6. Would you mind ________ the window?

7. Jack ________ me anything about his holiday plans so far.

8. I'm very tired - I ________ all morning.

9. I'd like to know what you do for ________.

10. Alex didn't come to see the film last night because he ________ it before.

11. I ________ bacon and eggs every morning.

12. If Bob ________ with us, he would have had a good time.

13. I always put my best ________ in a safe-deposit box.

14. The only way to get ________ in this company is to work hard and make no mistakes.

15. "There are ________ leftovers for you in the fridge", she cried out.

16. He is a good student. He always ________ his hand.

17. - What will we do today? - Let's go for a walk, ________?

18. Human beings, as distinct from ________ animals, can think for themselves.

19. The temple is only ________ drive from the station.

20. Elementary school children, who have not yet been repeatedly disappointed by other people, are much more ________ than older and more cynical high school students.

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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Level B - Lesson 22

Trình độ B - Bài 22

1. He doesn't work now. He's ________ 65.

2. Please hurry or you will be late ________ school.

3. The cow had lost its own calf, but the farmer persuaded it to ________ one whose mother had died.

4. What's wrong with John? He ________ used to be so sad.

5. I'm afraid I've got ________ my bank as soon as possible.

6. Tomorrow he will come ________ home late.

7. Ouch! I ________ my thumb!

8. By then I ________ my driving test, I hope.

9. I hadn't expected James to apologize but I had hoped ________.

10. Our host family always invites my roommate and ________ to their house on Sundays.

11. He was dealt such a severe blow ________ stunned for several minutes.

12. You will become ill ________ you stop working so hard.

13. I don't think that red dress ________ her.

14. Take this road and you will ________ at the hotel in five minutes.

15. Could you please tell me if you have any electric typewriters ________?

16. I wouldn't believe what she says. She sounds very convincing but she's just a fast ________.

17. Mr Johnson, candidate for governor, was eulogized for his ________.

18. Don't touch that wire or you may get an electric ________.

19. A person who says things that are not true is a ________.

20. No matter how hard I tried, he kept on ________.

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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Level B - Lesson 21

Trình độ B - Bài 21

1. I'm sorry I ________ your party: I was away at the time.

2. The workmen made so much ________ that Mrs Walker had to spend three days cleaning up afterwards.

3. After the game, the referee was interviewed ________ television.

4. He thanked me for what I ________ the previous week.

5. ________ going to the party.

6. Something extremely strange ________ yesterday while we were out jogging.

7. His English teacher recommends that he ________ a regular degree program.

8. How much snow ________ now?

9. When she was crossing the room the night-nurse happened to notice the old lady ________ to get out of bed.

10. This morning the postman was ________ down the street by my dog.

11. The way he never listens to me really gets ________ my nerves.

12. His speech was not appropriate ________ the occasion.

13. Her parents were very ________ because she was out so late that night.

14. If it ________, the match will be postponed.

15. - You look very tired. - I ________ papers all day.

16. When the boy ________ the car he was badly injured.

17. Monkeys belong to the group of animals ________ as primates.

18. When you do a favour for someone, don't expect anything ________.

19. Since your roommate is visiting her family this weekend, ________ you like to have dinner with us tonight?

20. How long ________ French?

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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Level B - Lesson 20

Trình độ B - Bài 20

1. When you are riding a bicycle you should ________ the handlebars firmly.

2. If we are thinking of having a day in the country, I should like to listen to the weather ________.

3. I bought a single ticket only on the bus, but my friend bought a ________ one.

4. How much would you ________ for repairing my watch?

5. They ________ their examinations at the end of the next month.

6. It took years of research, but ________ they found the answer.

7. July 10th is my wedding anniversary. Next month, my husband and I will ________ for twenty years.

8. Tommy had his big brother ________ his shoes for him.

9. Bill came to work at the University thirty years ________ today.

10. We can become frustrated by a legal system when judges ________.

11. Don't worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can easily ________ you up for the night.

12. The whole story is made up. It's nothing but a ________ of lies.

13. Helen is expert ________ drafting the minutes of a meeting.

14. Football is a subject I know very ________ of.

15. Her landlord gave her two month's ________ to quit.

16. The weather was ________ that we didn't go out.

17. Our plane will arrive ________ Don Muang at noon.

18. His office is only ________ away.

19. ________ in ill-fitting clothes, he smiled a warm welcome.

20. The crictic must have detested the play, for the review was not merely ________, it was ________.

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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Level B - Lesson 18

Trình độ B - Bài 18

1. Peter works from nine ________ five.

2. Tell him ________ some envelopes, please.

3. We are a little late - the play ________ begun.

4. I couldn't understand what she was ________.

5. I don't like iced tea, and ________.

6. Please ________ photocopies of documents.

7. If I ________ the flu I would have gone with you.

8. Your mother and I are looking forward ________ you.

9. It is imperative that you ________ there in person.

10. Something must be done quickly if endangered species ________ saved.

11. I would like to offer a small ________ to any one who finds my missing dog.

12. It was a big disappointment but I got ________ it.

13. I've got a lot of work to get ________ before I can go on holiday.

14. Big Bill said, "Knock it off. ________ for no help from no one.".

15. Unfortunately, very few books published each year ________ toward improving men's relationship with each other.

16. I was moved to tears ________ sorrow.

17. I was told that ________ care could have prevented the accident. Is that true?

18. I wanted some coffee but there was ________ in the pot.

19. He will take us to the town ________ we can see old temples.

20. My dog as well as my cats ________ twice a day.

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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Level B - Lesson 19

Trình độ B - Bài 19

1. She thanked ________ so kind.

2. I forgot to ________ him to buy some bread.

3. I read an interesting ________ in a newspaper about farming today.

4. We all ________ him good luck when he decided to emigrate.

5. Janet and Joe seem to get ________ very well together.

6. Several prisoners ________ from their guards and escaped.

7. The students ________ their classes about eight o'clock.

8. A cold wind ________ for the last three days.

9. I ________ this letter around for days and haven't even looked at it.

10. The opera premiere was attended by ________.

11. He ________ being given a receipt for the bill he had paid.

12. When I telephoned the headmaster, his secretary told me to ________ on as he was talking to someone else.

13. Then, all of a ________ there was an explosion and the lights went out.

14. Good parents should ________ for their children.

15. When the house is not occupied, it is ________.

16. I ________ swim in this river when I was young.

17. My mother got home ________ ago.

18. Give me the message to ________ is at the desk!

19. In a week's time you ________ in Boston for a year.

20. - Are you leaving? - Yes, but I wish I ________ to go.

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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Level B - Lesson 17

Trình độ B - Bài 17

1. When the soldiers were on the march, there was one man who was always out of ________ with the rest.

2. It is not ________ for you to eat too much.

3. Can this be the little girl ________ hair I used to stroke?

4. The reason I left is ________ I was bored.

5. You're ________ who noticed that.

6. We heard her ________ to her little brother.

7. The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them ________ every night this week.

8. Almost everyone fails ________ the driver's test on the first try.

9. Jane always asks my sister and ________ for advice.

10. I made a big mistake but nobody noticed and I got ________ it.

11. I'd be careful in my dealings with her. I'm sure she's up to no ________.

12. Alan Clarke was an interesting man but sometimes he was a bit economical with the ________.

13. Try not be too impatient ________ him.

14. "I will succeed, with ________ help from my friends", he said.

15. "The ________ response I got from her really drove me crazy", he sighed.

16. Some authors are too ________ to critisism.

17. After a lot of difficulties, he ________ to open the door.

18. - Do you want to wait? - Two weeks ________ too long for me to wait.

19. She did six hours' ________ studying a day for the exam.

20. ________ terrible weather!

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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Level B - Lesson 16

Trình độ B - Bài 16

1. I couldn't do question 6, so I ________ it out.

2. I don't want to wait until tomorrow; I ________ go at once.

3. The old man was very fond ________ telling stories.

4. I am tired ________ grammar exercises.

5. I am ________ this essay right now.

6. Don't let him ________ it.

7. How long ________ French?

8. Al's doctor insists ________ for a few days.

9. You ________ your seats today if you want to go to the game.

10. After he had researched and ________ his paper, he found some additional material that he should have included.

11. The new champion, ________, took over the dining room.

12. The three friends all ________ for the same job.

13. I knew him ________ I was child.

14. The sergeant's orders were perfectly ________.

15. The Director has just gone on his ________ leave. He gets four weeks' holiday a year and he is taking it all at the same time. So if you wish to see him, come back in a month's time.

16. Before the invention of refrigeration, the ________ of fish and meat was a problem.

17. My brother did not go to school yesterday. Neither ________.

18. He ________ for a job for some weeks but he has not found one.

19. The firm went bankrupt and their shares became ________.

20. The ascent of the mountain is ________, but anyone who makes it to the top is rewarded by a spectacular view.

Sẽ đặt Quảng cáo

Sounds of English (Phát âm)

The sounds in "heed" and "hid"

The sounds in "head" and "hate"

The sounds in "hot" and "hat"

The sounds of in "hoot" and "hood"

The sounds in "hoot" and "hut"

The sounds in "hoed" and "hoot"

The sounds in "ought" and "hot"

The sounds in "oy!", "how" and "height"

Reduced Vowel Sounds

The sounds in "bat" and "pat"

Nasal sounds

The sounds in English

The sounds in "did" and "ted"

r and l sounds in English

The sounds in "sit" and "zit"

The sounds in "fed" and "vittles"

The sounds in "git" and "kit"

Word Final Fricatives - Voiced and Unvoiced

The sound in "hat"

The sound in "wit"

The sounds in "chip" and "jet"

The sound in "yet"

The sounds in "ship" and "measure"

Voiced and Unvoiced

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